Eitam styled braid

I started with this braid back at january 2017, it was my first. But immediately from the start I felt like this was it. Since then every week i’m leveling up my skill’s. There are tons of youtube videos which can show you how to make amazing braids. And it never ends up.

As you can imagine making super good looking braids is a heavy task. It sometimes takes me up to 7 hours to finish a tidy up braids, but it’s all worth it. There is nothing like watching the amazing result.

I also get much of my material from the internet, you can either check out my shop or just use the links i provide directly to other websites which sell the same exact material i use!


(+972) 50-901-1255 (050-9011255)


Hatoren 8/19
Yavne, Israel 810483